Clerk Department

The Clerk’s Department is the engine of the County Assembly. Ordinarily, this department would fall under the Directorate of Procedural and Legislative Services only that we’re yet to establish the said Directorate. This is the department that offers technical expertise and support to the core mandate of the Assembly, i.e. legislation, representation and oversight.

Under the department, there are clerk assistants led by the Principal Clerk Assistant, whose main responsibilities are to administrate plenary and committee activities. They organize and provide all that is necessary for a House or a Committee session to proceed. They source for various agenda for the Committee, expertly guide members through their deliberations and eventually make a report that is tabled and debated in the House. In the House, during a session, they advise the Speaker on procedural matters to ensure the proceedings are within the provisions of the Standing Orders.

At the Committee level, they advise the Chairperson accordingly, and coordinate all the necessary logistics whenever members of the committee are travelling for official business. As is the case with any other department, clerk assistants are of different ranks as follows;

  1. Principal Clerk Assistant – Heads the department, reporting directly to the Clerk of the County Assembly.
  2. First Clerk Assistant – deputises the Principal Clerk Assistant
  3. Second Clerk Assistants – also referred to as Table Clerks, they accompany the Speaker to the House and offer him any assistance he may require while presiding over the House.
  4. Third Clerk Assistants – they manage committees, offering advice and technical support to the Chair and members of the Committee.

This department does not however work in isolation. It relies on the other departments for the provision of support services to successfully play its role. For instance, the Directorate of Finance processes the finances required for Committee/House activities while the Human Resource department processes salaries, benefits and emoluments that members and staff are entitled to.

Clerk assistants are also the main link between the committee and other entities within and beyond the County Assembly structure. They communicate to these entities through official letters signed by the Clerk of the County Assembly. So far, the department has twenty one (21) serving personnel.