County Assembly of Kakamega is one of the 47 County Assemblies in Kenya.
County Government of Kakamega constitutes; the County Assembly and County Executive.
The Assembly is the Legislative Arm of the County Government of Kakamega and draws its mandate and authority from the provisions of Articles 176 and 185 of the constitution.
The Powers are provided in Articles 191 and 192 and in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act, 2012.
Counties are Geographical units envisaged by the 2010 Constitution of Kenya as the units of Developed Units.
Location: It is located in Western Kenya, bordering seven counties namely: Bungoma to the North, Trans-Nzoia to the North East, Uasin Gishu and Nandi to the East, Vihiga to the South, Siaya to the South West and Busia to the West.
Area (Km2): 3,224.9 square kilometers.

The County Assembly of Kakamega is the Second largest County Assembly in Kenya after the Nairobi City County Assembly.
To facilitate Political, Economic and Social cultural growth of the County through effective legislation, objective oversight and representation.
To be a model county assembly that fulfills its constitutional mandate to the people of Kakamega County.
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Accountability
- Equity
- Equality and Inclusiveness
- Commitment to Quality Service delivery
The Third Assembly (2022-2027)
Members of the Third Assembly were sworn to office on 21st of September 2022 and elected the Speaker, The Rt. Hon. James Wanzala Namatsi and the Deputy Speaker. Hon. Benard Isindu Shitiabayi. The Assembly has 91 members including the Speaker who is ex-officio.
The third County Assembly is composed of two major coalitions - Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party and Kenya Kwanza and three members who were elected on Independent tickets.
Sixty members were elected from the 60 Wards.
Thirty members were nominated by various political parties in accordance with Article 177 of the Constitution of Kenya.